A fire needs 3 element to commence and a fourth to continue, so does business or organization or the ideas within them.
Current & Pending Articles
Ignis est servus non dominus’ – Out of control fires or the creative energy of combustion?
The proper use of ignition and combustion, a) to create energy, to use that energy to achieve, to create a Phoenix process and, when necessary to back burn to prevent a greater conflagration. What’s going on in your business,
You’re Fired. Crazy cultural Antics.
The story of where the origin and the use (as well as current use) of the phrase ‘You’re fired’’ Kellogs and Trump.
Helmets, axes, drones and augmented reality – how to best use your organizational tools and tactics.
Helmets to protect the organization and those within it from falling objects. Axes to cut away the dross and get to the core of the issue. drones to give you a better view (make somebody a drone at a meeting) and Augmented reality to make better decisions.
Polishing the organizational brass – creating better internal organizational communications.
Fire fighters polishing the brass at the start of the shift, passing on information but also having the ‘sarge’ there to correct misinformation. How to achieve it in your organization.
Drakes can’t fly but Fire Dragons can – On the wings of an organization
An organization is an organization by any other name! What differentiates an ordinary org from an extraordinary org? How do you get wings to create flight, adapt, grow or invent!